$42.00 USD

(Pot)ting the Seeds: Hashing Out High-Level Cannabis Campaigns 🍂

Monday, April 3rd from 3 PM to 5 PM

As Vermont continues to distribute licenses for legal marijuana sales, it is important to support each other through these times. The Vermont Women in Cannabis group was launched by Marissa Dunn on March 1, 2023, with the goal of bringing together budtenders, dispensary owners, retailers, farmers, producers, edible makers, glass blowers, state officials, bankers, wholesalers, lawyers, lab techs, marketers... and so many more dynamic women in cannabis-related careers. 🍃

With 420 quickly approaching, this event is a mix of education for implementing a successful social media cannabis campaign and an opportunity to meet and collaborate with other women in Vermont with decades of experience in the cannabis industry.

During (Pot)ting the Seeds: Hashing Out High-Level Cannabis Campaigns, we are going to:

🌿 review the Instagram and Facebook Meta laws for promoting cannabis on social media

🌿  learn the crucial factors that make up a successful digital promotion campaign for building business relationships

 🌿 use resources provided by The Winfield Creative to advance your business's online brand awareness and make sales 

🌿  meet and celebrate other women in the Vermont Cannabis industry with a social hour lighting up at 4:20 😏

P.S. Even if you cannot attend live, the recording will be sent out to all registrants

P.P.S. All services provided by The Winfield Creative are **tax deductible**